The Product Increment:  The art of slicing sprint delivery for most value now!

The goal is to reduce the size of the increment to smallest number (chunk of valuable work).
This will ensure that focused value can be delivered rapidly to the Product Owner by the scrum team within each sprint, and, trying to do too much, will not be carried over.

Here is the secret: Correct "Definition of Done" and use of the Product Increment (to focus effort towards demonstrating (a slice) of valuable working software to the Product Owner) will help the team stay in gradient (achieve sprint burndown), reduce pressure on the team and will increase team production!

The slide below explains the crucial importance of the Product Owner.
Can you see it?

Being "In" or "Out Gradient is about managing the Product Increments (Scope) for the sprint.
Your Production Stats (Demonstration of Done as Working Software to the Product Owner) will reflect how capable you are at doing this.
The Sprint Burndown is used to get a handle on and to better manage this sprint by sprint.

See if you can get these concepts below:

I.e. is Milestones (Sprint Goals) are difficult to achieve...
possibly Inchstones (pebbles) should be used...

Use the burndown chart to get a handle on
(towards improving / stabilizing)
your team production stats (sprint by sprint)!